mandag 8. oktober 2012

Åke Jacobson: Fra IOF-president til pre-o

åke jacobson

I det siste nummeret av Inside Orienteering er det et intervju med Åke Jacobson etter at han gikk av som president i IOF. Interessant for oss er det siste avsnittet hvor han forteller om hva han skal gjøre nå.
Han har begynt å løpe mer orientering, men vel så interessant er at han deltatt i pre-o og på sikt vil han gjerre utdanne seg som løypelegger. Han er meget positiv til TempO, men mener at dette ikke må gå utover vanlig pre-o.

Siste avsnittet i intervjuet er kopiert under her. Link til Inside Orienteering ligger nederst i artikkelen.
Intervjuet er på side 10-11.

And what next for Åke?

“After I left as President I have again found room for practising orienteering
myself and I take regular part in my club’s training activities – and I
have also started to compete in TrailO.
I have also taken a very initial step in learning to set TrailO courses – not as
easy as one may think”.
“TrailO interests me because it is our newest discipline, still to a large
extent under development. There are as I see it, a number of important development
discussions to take to find formats that are sustainably suitable
for the best athletes in the world (without risking introducing chance - guessing).
Timing (TempO) seems to be the answer today, but I do hope that that
will not be the only answer, because it would take away a lot of the charm
of TrailO – at least for those, maybe a majority of the competitors, who do
not value the kind of stress that timed controls imply”.
So maybe, one day not too far ahead, we will have the opportunity to
compete on a TrailO course set by Åke!

Inside-orienteering nr. 5

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